Hey there, I’m so glad you’re here!
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me. I enjoy excellent health and with it, all the benefits. I live life to its fullest, and age does not mean a thing to me. That is why I’ve dedicated myself to helping people improve their lives. Yes, this is how I help my clients every single day.
My goal is to help you extract the most joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment from your life by focusing on your values, needs, visions and goals in an extremely personalized way.
I offer compassionate support so you can get clarity on what you want from your life, discover the beliefs that hold you back, and begin to make your true vision of your life a reality.
I’m so glad you’re here, because I’ve got a pretty exciting story….
A story I’d like for you to make your own.
Why I do the work I do…My story

Budding Ballerina
It was a very demanding place to be with high expectations placed upon its students. How I looked mattered; I had to be thin, and when the pressure got too intense, I developed some pretty bad habits, like bingeing on sugary foods. Candy, cookies, cake, ice cream…you name it; I ate it—anything sugary to alleviate the stress.
During the end of my sophomore year, I suddenly noticed I was 20 lbs. heavier—not good. Instead of that beaming smile, radiant complexion, and creative spark I used to feel, I looked dull, lackluster, tired, was moody, and I felt like crap most of the time.
Then one afternoon during my annual performance review, I had a meeting with the Head of the Dance Department and all the dance instructors. They told me that even though I danced beautifully, I didn’t look like a dancer with all the extra weight I had put on. The dance director said that if I wanted to graduate, I’d have to re-audition…the following year. And just like that, I was asked to leave—kicked out.
How did this happen? This was definitely not the best life ever.
I knew something had to change. So, I had a long overdue talk with myself, and I asked one of the most important questions of my life: ‘Do I choose fear or do I choose love?’ I chose ‘love’. So, I got my act together and I refocused my energy on nourishing my body with high-vibe foods and self-care rituals. At first I was skeptical, like, ‘That approach will never work for me’. Nevertheless, I followed through in a way I never have before.
Within weeks, the pounds melted off my body. Eventually, I dropped two dress sizes. I had more clarity than I had in years, and I got my sexy back. Most important: I began to love my body. No more negative talk. No more missing out on fun times with friends because I felt fat and ugly.

Broadway Actor
I started getting a lot of compliments. Everyone who knew me said I looked amazing—like I had completely transformed. What was I doing? They all wanted to know. One woman said, “I start eating and I can’t stop.” Another girlfriend said, “I have to have something sweet to keep my energy going or I’ll feel so tired.”
So many wanted to know, that I shared with them my regimen that helped them succeed as well…and at the end of my senior year, I finally graduated. Here I am Graduation Day.
So, fast forward…

B.F.A. in Dance
Because I didn’t want to EVER have to go through with what I experienced during that “low” period, I became a full-time student of health for many years, then a raw food chef-instructor, where I developed a system to teach people good health and lifestyle habits.
When you’re disappointed with your body, it’s easy to be disappointed with your LIFE. And when YOU suffer, EVERYONE suffers. But here’s the deal: you weren’t born to suffer. You were born to share your gifts with the world, and that’s exactly what will happen when you start taking care of yourself.
Now, it is MY goal to help YOU connect the dots and show you EXACTLY how you can do this too, no matter how far off track you’ve fallen.